The IMF and Ebola

The IMF is frequently the target of critics who accuse its reform, rationalisation and liberalisation policies of holding back the developing world. The recent Lancet paper on how its demands for cuts to public spending and for decentralised healthcare were hindering the Ebola response in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea is typical. Chris Blattman, assistant professor of political science … More The IMF and Ebola

Celebrities in Africa

First things first. Elizabeth McGovern, the Downton Abbey actress, sounds a thoroughly likable decent woman. But why oh why has she allowed herself to get mixed up in this kind of nonsense? A piece I missed from before Christmas paints in toe-curling detail what it is like to be a celebrity on the do-gooder trail, … More Celebrities in Africa

African Lions

Interesting piece in The Guardian on Ethiopia as an “African lion” with a rapidly increasing number of millionaires, up from 1300 in 2007 to 2700 this year. During that period, its GDP had grown 93%. But for me, perhaps the most telling line is this: “The millionaires are growing at a faster rate than the … More African Lions

The Smell of Africa

So there I was buying shower gel in my new local supermarket in Jerusalem, when my eye was caught by an African scented variety.  I don’t tend to pay much attention to the flavour of my grooming products but on this occasion – already nostalgic for my old home – I thought this was just … More The Smell of Africa